Welcome -Campus Security Services

The Morris College Campus Security Services is 24 hours, 365-day service-oriented department with the mission of providing a safe and secure environment for all those on our campus, and leading by example, through education, and enforcement.

Our team of full-time SLED Certified Security Officers patrol the campus on foot and in vehicles. These Officers answer emergency and routine phone calls and monitor security cameras located throughout the campus. The Department of Campus Security Services is located at 100 West College Street at the entrance to Morris College.

Policy Statement

In the interest of preserving a safe and orderly living and learning environment as well as to maintain the property of the College, this department is responsible for assisting in maintaining order on Morris College. Students, Faculty/Staff, and Visitors are required to respect the authority of Morris College Security Officers and local law enforcement officers working on our campus with their cooperation in the enforcement of these responsibilities.

The College reserves the right to enter, inspect and search any student room at any time with or without permission or consent of the room occupant(s) to provide emergency service, make safety or/and condition inspections or, based on reasonable suspicion, investigate violation(s) of College policies and regulations. 

IF a student believes that an officer has violated his/her rights, he/she may present the grievances to the Dean of Student Affairs and/or Director of Security Services. 

However, NO student has the right to defy the authority of a Security and/or Law Enforcement Officer of Morris College.

Alcoholic beverages and other drugs are NOT PERMITTED on Morris College Campus

If a MC Security or local Law Enforcement Office, while working as Security for the college, has probable cause to believe that alcoholic beverages and/or other drugs are being trafficked onto campus, the officer is authorized by Morris College to check the vehicle (student and/or visitor).

Any person found guilty of having illegal items in his/her vehicle or on their person will be turned over to local law enforcement.

All weapons are prohibited on the Morris College campus

The term "weapons" should be understood to include, but not be limited to, firearms (including antique and military "trophy" firearms), paint guns, BB and pellet guns, air guns, slingshots, bows and arrows, swords, spears, various kinds of knives (other than cooking utensils or pocket knives with a blade length less than 3"), switchblades, and various martial-arts devices capable of being used as weapons.

Privately-owned handguns are prohibited anywhere on the Morris College campus.

No student or recognized organization may possess or use fireworks on campus.

Possession or use of fireworks will result in disciplinary action.  Possession, use, and sales of fireworks may also be subject to federal, state, and local laws.  Compliance with such laws is the responsibility of students and employees.

Fire Safety Equipment 

Tampering or interference with, as well as destruction or misuse of, fire safety or fire prevention equipment,  is prohibited.

Parking in a fire lane is also prohibited. An automatic fine plus the cost of replacement of equipment will be charged to any student or recognized organization violating these regulations, and further disciplinary action may be taken.

 All students and recognized organizations should be aware that any person who causes an alarm to be set off for improper purposes is liable for the expenses incurred by fire departments responding to the alarm.

Campus Security Report - PDF

Campus Fire Safety Report - PDF