IMPACT is Morris College’s new Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) designed to target and improve student success. The QEP is centrally focused on providing students with additional support in order to persist in college and graduation. IMPACT stands for: Improving Morris Preparation, Acceleration, Completion and Training. The mission of IMPACT is to provide Morris College students with the necessary resources, tools and support needed to promote completion and achieve individual student success in an academic environment.
Hence, IMPACT is a college-wide initiative aimed at effectively serving the freshman class by focusing on strategic co-remediation to provide immediate access to college credits, and intrusive academic coaching activities that promote the improvement of retention, advising, completion and student engagement through a centralized process. Navigating the college experience can be challenging; thus, we seek to ensure that students have the resources needed for academic success and completion. Hence, the QEP aims to provide students on-time course and one-on-one coaching support for ultimate improvement in retention and graduation completion.
While it is important to provide students with a challenging and rigorous curriculum, at the same time it is equally important to offer high levels of academic and personal support. It is pivotal that institutions of higher learning establish a well-organized effective academic success program that directly addresses academic impediments of underperforming students. Studies show that an efficient academic success program significantly improves academic achievement and retention.
Morris College is an accredited, four-year, coeducational, residential, liberal arts and career-focused institution awarding baccalaureate degrees in the arts and sciences and in career-based professional fields. Morris College looks to accomplish this mission through planned strategic initiatives that strengthen the student learning outcomes and student success. Specifically, Morris College seeks to uphold its strategic goals by addressing its student retention and progression challenges, using its Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) to implement strategic initiatives to intervene and improve the overall performance and engagement of its student body. This plan, IMPACT (Improving Morris College Preparation, Acceleration, Completion, and Training), is designed to strengthen student progression to degree completion, and improve overall student success. It includes two initiatives or models: co-requisite learning support and academic coaching.
The four outcomes of Morris College’s QEP are:
Outcome 1: Seventy percent or more of the co-requisite course students will score 250 or above on the post Accuplacer test.
Outcome 2: Attain a 2% higher pass rate in Co-requisite Learning Support College-level Courses than in the traditional General Education English, Math and History.
Outcome 3: Reduce the percentage of first-year students not making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) by 5% each year.
Outcome 4: Attain a 3% annual increase in the fall-to-fall retention rate of first-year students (first-time and transfer).
The success of IMPACT is measured through an assessment plan that addresses student success and learning outcomes and is aligned with the institutional mission and strategic plan. Direct and indirect measures, which gather quantitative and qualitative data, assist in assessing student success outcomes. Additionally, formative assessments will enable timely modifications to ensure continuous improvement and achievement of the goals of the QEP.
Quality Enhancement Plan Staff
Director -
Data Manager -
IMPACT Specialists -