Reference Department

The Reference Department is located on the first floor. The reference personnel provide direct information and reference services to other departments of the Learning Resources Center. The department's primary function is to enable the library user to make the most effective use of the resources of the library and to provide access, through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to materials not locally owned. If you have questions about how to find information or materials, please ask at the reference desk.

The Reference Department includes the reference desk, the display area, the online database workstation, the microform readers/printers, and the reference collection. The Popular Reading Collection, although not part of the reference collection, is located in the reference area.

The reference collection includes general encyclopedias, subject encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, newspaper and print periodicals, almanacs, biographical dictionaries, atlases and other reference tools.

Interlibrary Loan

If there is a book or journal article you would like to use that it not owned by the Richardson-Johnson LRC, you may request that book or article through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Ask at the Reference Desk for Interlibrary Loan forms.

PASCAL Delivers

As a member of PASCAL (Partnership Among South Carolina Libraries), Morris College students, faculty, and staff can borrow books from other academic libraries throughout the state of South Carolina via the union catalog at vid=01PASCAL_MORR:MORRIS This site is accessible from the LRC home page where it appears as FIND BOOKS IN OTHER LIBRARIES – PASCAL Delivers.

Library Instruction

Upon the request of the instructor, the reference or other librarian can meet with individual college classes. Depending on the size of your class and your purpose, these sessions can take the form of:

  • General library orientation including how to use the library catalog
  • In-class visits
  • Hands-on instruction focusing on the effective use of library resources especially online databases
  • One-on -one instruction
  • The research process

To arrange for an instruction session or meet with a librarian call (803) 934-3438 or (803) 934-3439.