Online Databases

These electronic resources are available for use on campus. Some are also available for off-campus access to Morris College students, faculty and staff. For more information on Off-Campus Access, contact the library at (803) 934-3230.

Collegiate Discus/EBSCOhostCollegiate Discus logo

Over 12,000 full-text titles in core academic disciplines, health sciences, and business.

Discus Discus logo

Gale Cengage Learning Gale Cengage logo

Citations and full-text articles from newspapers, popular magazines, scholarly and professional journals, reference books and biographical resources. Contact the LRC for more information on Off-Campus Access.

Infobase Learning

  • Bloom's Literary Reference Online - Examines great writers, important works, memorable characters, and influential movements and events in world literature.
  • Ferguson's Career Guidance - Provides profiles of nearly 3,400 jobs and 94 industries, invaluable advice on career skills, thousands of resources entries, and more.

LearningExpress Library LearningExpress Library logo

Features more than 800 career certification/licensing practice tests, tutorials, job search, and workplace skills improvement. It also includes colleges and graduate schools admissions exam preparation (e.g., GRE).

Mango Languages

An online language learning system that can help you learn languages like Spanish, French, and more.

NewsBank (America's Newspapers)

Access U.S. news from local, regional, and national sources (newspapers, blogs, journals, newswires, broadcast transcripts, and video). Your number one go-to for current events, news headlines, and special reports.

OmniFile Full Text (Wilson Web)

This is a multi-disciplinary database covering the humanities, education, business, general science, social sciences, applied science and technology, art and much more.


Campus Access only - 42 full-text scholarly journals
PsycARTICLES provides full-text articles from 49 journals on current issues in psychology from professional sources dating from 1987 to the present.

Salem Health

Critically acclaimed, Magill's Medical Guide has been glowingly reviewed by every major reference reviewer. The Guide is a perfect mix of accessibility and depth, providing general readers with an authoritative reference source. The Guide covers diseases, disorders, treatments, procedures, specialties, anatomy, biology, and issues in an A-Z format, with sidebars addressing recent developments in medicine and concise information boxes for all diseases and disorders.

Salem History

Salem History is a robust online database that includes the complete content of printed reference sets. Salem currently offers this service with four series of historical reference:

  • Milestone Documents - A new, primary source series
  • The Decades - Salem's critically acclaimed American history series
  • Great Lives from History - The definitive, worldwide biographical resource
  • Great Events from History - The complete resource for worldwide events

Salem Literature

Salem Literature is a robust online database that includes the complete content of printed reference sets. Salem currently offers this service with our new Critical Insights series, the recently revised Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Magill's Literary Annual and Masterplots, Fourth Edition.

Salem Science

Salem Science is a robust online database that includes the complete content of printed reference sets. Titles currently available on Salem Science:

  • Encyclopedia of Global Resources
  • Encyclopedia of Global Warming
  • Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues


The statista database contains access to 1 million statistics from around the world, in ready to use formats (PPT, PNG, XLS), covering industries, topics, digital markets, and infographics. Users will find graphs (line or bar) and charts with brief comments on the data. There are also studies, forecasts, reports, and topical lists to help the user find what is needed.