Criminal Forensics Studies Major

The Criminal Forensic Studies are designed to provide students the tools they need to explore the criminal justice field. Forensic science has become an integral part of the justice system and Morris College offers courses that immerse students into criminal forensic field situations. Whether you have an interest in Criminalistics, Forensic Biology, or Criminal Investigation, or Cybercrimes, our classes are designed to engage you with real-world case studies.

Faculty & Staff

Carlotta Stackhouse

Director of Forensics Center 803-934-3231

Course Study Curriculum

Learning Objectives

Students completing the prescribed curriculum in Criminal Forensics at Morris College will be able to:

  1. Explain the basic assumptions, theory, and approaches associated with the scientific method as a means of inquiry.
  2. Explain how the scientific method and laboratory-based techniques are useful in the investigation of criminal activity.
  3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the professionally accepted ethical principles involved in the conducting of laboratory-based criminal investigations.
  4. Explain the various procedures involved in processing a crime scene.
  5. Collect and classify various types of physical evidence obtained from crime scenes.
  6. Utilize various types of laboratory equipment in the processing of physical evidence collected from crime scenes.
  7. Analyze the results of laboratory-based methods used in processing physical evidence from crime scenes as well as assess the validity and reliability of methods and results used.
  8. develop formal reports of the results obtained from investigations of physical evidence obtained from crime scenes. 
General Education 49
Criminal Forensic Major 36
  CFS 300 Introductory Survey of Forensic Studies 3
  CFS 301 Crime Scene Forensics 3
  CFS 302 Criminalistics I: Impression Evidence 3
  CFS 303 Criminalistics II: Trace Evidence 3
  CFS 304 Criminalistics III: Forensic Drua and Toxicology Evidence 3
  CFS 305 Forensic Pathology 3
  CFS 306 Digital Evidence 3
  CFS 307 Forensic Photography 3
  CFS 401 Forensic Evidence and Ethics 3
  CFS 402 Special Topics in Criminal Forensics 3
  CFS 404 Criminal Forensics and the Social Sciences 3
  CFS 405 Internship 3
Other Required Courses 13
  PSC 306 State and Local Government 3
  SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I 3
  SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II 3
  JRS 300 Junior Seminar 1
  SSC 401 Introduction to Social Research 3
Minor Courses 16
Electives 6
Total 122


  • Students majoring in other disciplines who want to minor in Criminal Justice are required to complete the following courses:

    Course Credit Requirements for a Minor in Criminal Justice
    Courses Credits
    CRJ 300 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
    CRJ 301 Law Enforcement Systems 3
    CRJ 302 Corrections, Probation, Pardon and Parole Systems 3
    CRJ 304 Criminal Law 3
    CRJ 400 Juvenile Delinquency 3
    CRJ 402 Special Problems in Administration of Justice 3
    TOTAL 18