Richardson-Johnson Learning Resources Center 

Welcome to the Learning Resources Center (LRC) at Morris College! The mission of the LRC is to provide library and media resources and services to support the scholarly and informational needs of the College in support of the programs offered to the students. Whether you are looking for a place to study individually or with friends, locate academic resources, ask one of the librarians a question, receive assistance using the library on-line services, order books through inter-library loans, use a computer for class work, a Capstone project, or schedule an Information Literacy class, the LRC staff is here to assist you. The staff encourages you to visit us daily. We look forward to seeing you soon!

The LRC is comprised of the following main service areas:

  • 1st floor – The Library includes access to circulating and non-circulating materials, textbook reserves, study areas, and computers.
  • 1st floor - Archives Room (collection of historical documents and artifacts), Circulation & Checkout desk, Reserve materials, and facility information.
  • 1st floor – A book drop is located outside the entry into the Learning Resources Center.
  • 1st floor - Periodicals Collection & Indexes, Reference Department, Catalog & Research Computers; and the Popular Reading Collection.
  • 2nd floor – General Collection, the Coleman Collection of books by and about African Americans; Study rooms, Faculty offices.
  • 3rd floor – Media Services, Academic Computer Laboratory, Journalism Laboratory, Mass Communications Studio Suites, WQMC/WMCC Radio Laboratory; and the Film - Lecture Room.
  • 3rd floor - Children's Literature Collection.

Some of the LRC resources are reserved solely for students, faculty, and staff. Visitors are welcome to browse our print and electronic holdings while in the Library. Ask a staff member to help if you have questions.

For administrative and business questions, the LRC main office phone is (803) 934-3230. For reference and library questions, the Library Reference Desk phone number is (803) 934-3438. For media services and computer lab questions, the Media Center Desk phone number is (803) 934-3277. Please see the College Directory listing for other office phone numbers within the LRC. The Learning Resources Center is located next to the Neal-Jones Fine Arts Center.

Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring Semesters

Monday thru Thursday - 8:00 am - 10:00 pm

Friday - 8:00 - 5:00 pm

Saturday - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm / Closed for lunch/ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Sunday - 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm/ Closed for dinner/ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm