Student activities at Morris College are designed to provide opportunities for students to enhance their academic development as they strengthen their leadership skills. Each student is encouraged to join the organization that provides for him/her an avenue for personal fulfillment and skills development. There are three means by which students can join student organizations: by application, by invitation, or by election.
All students are invited and encouraged to present their ideas relative to the student activities program and are urged to get involved in the total program. For more information, contact the Coordinator of Student Activities, or download our Student Handbook (PDF).
Health Science Club provides meaningful public health experiences for health science students, facilitates school-community interaction regarding health matters, promotes healthy lifestyles among the students and faculty, showcases the benefits of a student-faculty health promotion program, and provides enrichment to the comprehensive Health Science degree program.
STEM Club is open to all students interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Tutorial sessions, lecture series, and research projects are vital parts of the program, with many opportunities for students to participate in these activities.
Morris College INMM (Institute of Nuclear Materials Management) Student Chapter is open to any full-time Morris College student. This organization is designed to foster, promote, and further the purpose and objectives of the INMM: to advance nuclear materials management, promote research in this field, establish standards, improve the qualifications and usefulness of those employed in this field, and increase and disseminate information of nuclear materials management.
Sociology Club is designed to familiarize and further prepare Sociology students with all aspects of the career field and to give them an opportunity to network with professionals in the community.
The Co-op Club assists students in developing marketable skills that will enable them to enter the world of work successfully.
The S-SCEA (The Student-South Carolina Education Association) is a professional organization for college students preparing to teach. It is an integral part of both the National Education Association and the South Carolina Education Association. It provides its members with an opportunity for personal growth and the development of professional competence. Candidates enrolled in the Teacher Education Program are required to hold membership in a student educational professional association.
The Art Club provides opportunities for students to enhance their creative skills; promotes awareness of visual arts and provides hands-on experiences in producing art. Students are assisted in developing marketable visual skills that will enable them to enter the visual arts world successfully.
Social Studies Club is devoted to the study and discussion of current affairs and topics related to the social sciences. Membership is open to all students and is strongly encouraged for students majoring in any social science area.
French Club is open to full-time Morris College students who are interested in learning French and/or enhancing their cultural understanding of France and francophone countries.
Morris College Chapter of the National Broadcasting Society is open to all Mass Communications majors who have an interest in professions that involve over-the-air, cable, and other electronic media outlets.
The Recreation Club promotes an awareness of recreation at Morris College by the active participation of the Recreation Administration majors in club projects.
Phi Beta Lambda, a business club, complements classroom work in business administration, develops student leadership, develops and strengthens student-teacher rapport, and instills proper attitudes and social responsibility. Open only to Business Administration and Organizational Management majors.
The Library Club enhances student library relations and aids students in understanding regulations relative to student use of the Learning Resources Center (LRC). Club members make recommendations for improving LRC services. Membership is open to interested students.
Investment Club is open to all students who are interested in learning the principles and mechanics of all aspects of financial management and investing.
The Literary Society is designed to promote growth through readings, lectures and literary programs. Membership in the organization is open to all students. Students with major or minor programs in English are strongly encouraged to become members.
The Photography Club is designed to enhance the photographic skills of its members through various photography-related activities and the documentation of student activities that reflect the College’s motto “Enter to Learn; Depart to Serve.”
South Carolina Chapter of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ) is a network of criminal justice professionals and criminal justice majors enrolled at accredited colleges and universities who address the needs, concerns, and contributions of African-Americans and other minorities as they relate to the administration of equal justice in the United States.
Pre-Law Club consists of students who are interested in attending law school and preparing for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, College Chapter, works cooperatively with the local Branch and the State and National Association.
National Council of Negro Women, Inc., is open to all women and men, whatever their race, creed, color, national origin, or economic status. This organization is designed to promote and recognize leadership among women of color, maintain effectiveness, and to remain a vital and important resource for African American women of all ages.
The Veterans’ Club is open to all officially enrolled veterans and veterans’ dependents. The Club provides opportunity for members to promote veterans concerns and activities.
Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society (Mu Lambda Chapter) promotes high levels of scholarship and achievement in all fields of knowledge and service. It is open to junior and senior students with a cumulative grade point average of not less than 3.3.
RARE Reinforcers, Achievers and Representatives of Excellence (RARE-Honors). The purpose of the organization is to implement the objectives of the Morris College Honors Program through accepting leadership roles to further promote the positive image of the College; promoting academic excellence, self-discipline, initiative, self-esteem and creativity; publishing and presenting scholarly papers; participating in national and regional conferences and symposia; and supporting and encouraging an environment conducive to effective teaching, study, and learning at Morris College.
Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society (Freshman Honor Society) encourages superior scholastic achievement among students in their first year in institutions of higher education, promotes intelligent living and a high standard of learning, and assists men and women in recognizing and developing meaningful goals for their roles in society.
Sigma Tau Delta (Alpha Gamma Pi Chapter) is open to English majors with a “B” average in English. Members must have completed at least three semesters of college work.
Pinnacle is open to all adult (generally defined as 25 years and older) and other non-traditional students who have achieved at least junior status, have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0, and are involved in at least three campus or community activities.
Alpha Epsilon Rho is open to Mass Communications majors with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25.
Delta Mu Delta Honor Society (Lambda Omicron Chapter) recognizes and rewards scholastic achievement in business administration programs. Membership is open to junior and senior students majoring in Business Administration and Organizational Management with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 and to those students who are in the top 20 percent of their college class in cumulative grade point averages.
Beta Kappa Chi (BKX) is open to juniors and seniors ranked in the upper fifth of their class who have completed at least 64 semester hours (with at least seventeen semester hours in one of the sciences recognized by BKX) and must have a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 grading scale in the science area and a general college average of at least a “B”.
Morris College Chorale is composed of a select group of thirty to forty voices.
Morris College Gospel Choir is open to students who enjoy gospel singing.
Poetry Club is an organization dedicated to the promotion of poetic and cultural enrichment for its members. The understanding of poetry enhances student relations and emphasizes creativity through written and verbal expression.
Morris College Players is open to all students interested in any phase of dramatic endeavors.
Morris College Dance Team is open to students interested in demonstrating and displaying their talents and skills through dancing to enhance the educational, social, and cultural atmosphere of the campus.
Baptist Student Union. Encouraging church attendance and membership, the BSU serves as a link between the student and the local church and seeks to provide Christian fellowship and wholesome fun for all students.
Durham Ministerial Union is an organization open to all ministers. It is designed to develop church policy and ecumenical outlook and to promote awareness of major social and religious issues of our times.
Women’s Senate and Men’s Senate. These organizations provide students with an opportunity to share in promoting a harmonious and wholesome environment in the residence halls and in developing good citizenship.
Morris College Esports Club is a student organization whose mission is to promote gaming culture and community at Morris College through competitive and noncompetitive esports competitions.
Morris College Ushers is an organization that provides ushers for college assemblies, Religious Emphasis Week Worship Services, and other formal college functions.
NEONS (New Emphasis on Nontraditional Students) is an organization dedicated to serving the needs of nontraditional students and enabling them to become more involved in student life.
The Pre-Alumni Council is designed to provide students an opportunity to further interact with alumni and thereby enhance their preparation for effective service after graduation.
Men of Morris aims to empower male students by creating an environment that embodies higher education, character development, and leadership enhancement through spiritual uplift, fellowship, and mentorship.
Ladies of Morris is a student organization purposed with encouraging and empowering women to reach their full potential through workshops, seminars, forums and others that will focus on academic excellence, personal and professional development, career-readiness and other life skills. This organization is committed to producing women who will learn, lead, and live their best life!